Today dawned bright and clear. I wanted to share the view from my bedroom window as the sun was rising. What better way to start the day then seeing Sasanqua blossoms and fire hydrants??!! I’m annoyed I left the rake leaning against the Holly Hydrant! But, this is real life, nothing staged!
Stumpy settled in on the bed after his foray outside in the chilly morning air. Daggy curled up with him making for an idyllic picture opportunity.
The cats love to snuggle into the unmade bed, which gives me an excuse to leave it a mess! Nearly all my possessions have histories behind them: the bedding I use is no exception. The light blue wool blanket originally belonged to my great Aunt Bess on mom’s side of the family. The heavy “natural colour” wool blanket with the black stripes was given to me by “cousin Criss”. She was in the process of moving to an Adult Care facility in the mid 1980’s. I was able to make a trip to her place to help a bit and she loaded me up with stuff. She told me this blanket was acquired on a trip to Scotland to visit family in the late 1930’s. Supposedly it was made from wool harvested from the family’s sheep and was woven not far from the homestead. It is a wonderful blanket I use year around.
I just put another pot of coffee on the stove. These chilly mornings one pot is not enough! I want to have enough left over so I’ll have a supply of stale coffee for iced coffee later on in the day.
I need to get to the boathouse early today to help the collegiate rowers unload the sweeps from the last race of the season. They are such good “kids” I enjoy helping them out.
We masters should have enough people to take out an eight later in the afternoon. I was kind of disappointed we were not able to get out Friday. I know I’ll be tore up after rowing, so this morning entry is the easy way out for me to stay legal in NoJoMo!!
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