This morning my underwear drawer was nearly empty. That was the signal I needed to do a load of whites. The washing machine was cranked up before daybreak. The east was just coming to life as I hung my “tighty whiteys” up on the clothes line to dry.
I met with Laurie, Alison and Jason at the aquatic center to erg on the Concept 2’s at 8:00 a.m. I was layered up as I’m so used to freezing at the “Y”. I had to peel off my thermal shirt I was wearing under my tee shirt after just warming up! What a nice change from the chilly work out room at the “Y”. We rowed at a steady 22 strokes per minute for 30 minutes. I tried to do intervals every five minutes of intensifying my stroke to bring down the split rate while keeping the stroke rate steady at the 22 rate for a minute. There is such a tendency for me to speed up doing this drill. My split rate goes from about 2:09 to 1:55 doing this. Keeping the rate at 1:55 has me gasping for air after 30 seconds.
This burst of exertion switches my body into “anaerobic mode”. This is when your body can’t get enough oxygen from the lungs. It switches to getting the needed oxygen from carbohydrates in the body. This form of intensity training takes some dedication as it is not pleasurable.
Back in fall of1984 the Nautilus Fitness Center I worked out at began offering personal trainers to members. This was such a new concept at the time. I lucked into a special introductory rate for a year if I paid in one lump sum. I was in a good way financially so decided to try it out. I swear those trainers were sadistic; they used to love to see me suffer!! Months into the program, one of my trainers confided to me that I was about the only person who signed on who stayed with a routine. I told him that if I paid for something, I was going to get my moneys worth if it killed me!!
That is pretty much how I look at my workouts on the rowing machine. If I’m spending the time on them I want to see the results. If it causes some discomfort, that goes with the territory.
It is supposed to warm up to the low 60’s today. Hopefully enough people will sign on to row and we can get an eight on the river this afternoon. It has been a month since I’ve rowed on the water.
My good friend Buck just called to let me know of a fire hydrant that was at a yard sale he stopped at about six miles south of town. I need to check that out and have the oil changed in the truck. The Florida trip is next Thursday. I’m hoping to return with another fire hydrant and a load of bricks. That poor truck should have some fresh oil… I don’t need it to go into “anaerobic mode”!!!
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About Me

- Brick1101
- Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States
- Retired auto worker who can now spend too much time restoring his 1922 Bungalow Home. I'm involved in a number of varied activities from collecting bricks to rowing with a masters rowing group. This blog is to share different aspects of my life on my Facebook page. I've kept an on-line journal for eight years.
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